Karma (Part One)
Karma (Part One)
Bumper sticker from the early 70’s: ‘My Karma just ran over your Dogma’.
What is Karma?
Like most spiritual questions the most appropriate answer is; it depends. If you are asking from the level of the ‘3d game’ (the vast majority of souls on this planet are experiencing this world from 3d consciousness) then karma can be defined as cause and effect i.e.; what goes around comes around.
From a multi-lifetime point of view Karma is less about cause and effect and more about learning spiritual lessons. It is the nature of Souls to mature by experience. For instance a Soul may decide it wants to learn everything there is to know about jealousy. Now it can study jealousy from every angle but in the higher dimensions jealousy is only a theory. In order to ‘know’ jealousy the soul needs to experience it from all its viewpoints.
The only way to do that is to be born in a physical body on a planet like this one. Having been incarnated here, it forgets its loving connection with all the other beings. It believes it is separate from everyone including God. Then, while in this world of duality, it can experience jealousy from every perspective. It will require multiple lifetimes for the soul to fully understand jealousy in all its forms. And it will probably end up creating even more 3d karma along the way. But that’s how it goes.
Now jealousy is just one subject a soul might want to gain knowledge of. Of course there are many more. What if it wants learn about hunger, sadness, drug addiction, anger, war, power, being male, being female, being gay, or slavery? The list goes on and on. That’s why it takes thousands of lifetimes for a soul to gradually mature.
What if we take the perspective of looking at karma from highest spiritual dimensions? From that standpoint, karma is of no consequence. In the higher dimensions all experience is happening right now in this very moment making Karma irrelevant.
Where Did Teachings of Karma Originate?
The concept of karma comes from the Eastern religions. The Buddhists and Hindus do differ a little in the details, particularly with how their respective version of reincarnation works with karma. However, for the most part their teachings of Karma are valid as far as they go. Both religions have used the threat of bad karma as a means to influence people to follow their religious dogma and hopefully stay focused on living a more spiritual life.
When a young soul incarnates on this planet, the denseness of the physical Earth plane can be quite a shock. Compared with the higher dimensions, this physical 3d game we play can be very difficult. After birth the soul forgets who it really is (spirit) and identifies completely with the physical body. For many souls this separation from Source creates a vacuum in their lives. Their quest to fill this empty feeling along with the need to keep the body alive may cause them to do unfortunate things to other players in the game in order to attain it. The results of their actions create more karma.
It was with this in mind that early religions came up with their doctrines about “Hell” and “Karma”. They used these concepts as a way to influence their followers to stop robbing and killing each other. “Let’s play nice with each other and there will be a reward when you die (or when you are born again)”. These teachings might not have influenced everyone, but enough people bought the idea and a more civilized population was the result.
Some religious groups teach that a Spiritual Overseer in a higher dimension is keeping track of everyone’s good or bad karmic deeds. However, that’s just not true. None of God’s angels are sitting in heaven with a big book in their lap writing down everything we do. No, unfortunately we keep track of our own karma. So that means there’s nowhere to hide.
Karma and the Spiritual Path
If you’ve been reading and understanding the material on this website then you are probably pretty far along on the spiritual path. So you are probably past having problems with the lower 3d karma game. The seven deadly sins don’t hold much interest for you anymore. You’re not wanted by the police and you pay your taxes. And your soul has probably pretty much run out of karmic ‘lessons’ to learn here too. You got the call from ‘Divinity’, telling you it’s time to turn around and come back home. But just because you got the call, it doesn’t mean your suppressed karmic memories suddenly disappear.
Most of us are still holding on to a lot of negative karmic memories from all those prior lifetimes (or this one) where you were engaged in the drama. Man tends to avoid pain and pursue pleasure, so it’s our nature to bury the painful moments from our past. However, in terms of spiritual awakening, all that personal suppressed karma, that you have been avoiding, needs to be brought up and released. The only way to do that is through love. By loving and accepting everyone involved in the situation (especially ourselves) we break the bonds with that past karmic event.
This website is all about helping you attain spiritual enlightenment and its focus is on helping you to ‘do it yourself’. Our unresolved negative emotions are one of the biggest stumbling blocks to our reaching enlightenment. We must address this in order to move forward. So for the rest of this article we will focus on what I call Repressed Karma. Repressed karma is; “Any event where we were reluctant to or unable to love and accept what happened at the time it happened”. Repressed karma almost always has a negative emotional quality to it. Another way of saying this is repressed karma is really just ‘Unresolved Negative Emotions’. If you were able to completely love and accept yourself and/or the other party at the time the karma was created, then the event and the karma would just fade away and not be an issue.
Continued: Repressed Karma (Part 2)