Emotional Baggage
Unresolved Negative Emotions
Emotional Baggage
Helping you get rid of your unresolved negative emotions is one of the main reasons why I created this website. This emotional baggage, that we all carry, is the cause of so many problems for the human race. And for the soul brave enough to come here and awaken at this time in human history, it is especially so.
Many of todays advanced spiritual teachers can speak very eloquently about enlightenment, meditation, and spiritual practices. But they have little or nothing to offer their confused and conflicted students with regards to letting go of their emotional stuff. I’ve been to satsangs with some of these gurus and listened to students get up in front of a large group of people and ask the teacher to help them with their personal emotionally charged issue. Many are so distraught that they are crying while they speak. Unfortunately these highly evolved spiritual teachers can only seem to offer help from their lofty perspective. They are limited by their own experience and the ‘tools’ they used with these issues while they were evolving. And sometimes their words and suggestions do help. But often the student is so down in the dumps, it is too big a leap for them to make.
There have been times when I’m listening to these teachers speak or reading their words in one of their books, that I just want to scream out ‘Wait! I know what to do! I can help! Since I was a teenager I’ve made it my life’s mission to resolve my own negative emotional issues. Along the way (over 40 years) I’ve collected a bunch of really good psychological tools to keep in my spiritual tool box. And now I’m going to share them with you. So hopefully there are some techniques here that you can use to help with the process of getting rid of your stuff. Most of these are tools will require you to do the healing work on yourself, by yourself. If you don’t want to do that, I will also make some recommendations of some enlightened helpers you can contact that can help you.
Emotional Baggage and Awakening
You might be asking; what’s so important about getting rid of this emotional baggage before your awakening? You may have the idea that all of your emotional stuff gets burned up in the process of Self-realization. Sure, that does happen, to maybe one person in a generation. You have the same odds of that happening as you do winning the lottery. So there’s a pretty good chance it’s not going to happen to you. Sorry.
Here’s one way of looking at emotional issues and the Awakening. At one end of the spectrum you have the wise soul, who took the time and made the effort to resolve most of their unresolved emotional issues before their awakening. At the other end you have the unprepared soul who goes through the same experience with their ego intact and with lots of weird mental and emotional blockages still in place.
Awakening can free up a large amount of spiritual energy inside us. The ‘wise soul’ above, who has little or no emotional baggage, allows the spiritual energy to flow through them with little resistance. The ‘unprepared soul’, who still has lots of emotional blockages in their body and chakras, will have a much tougher time of it. The Truth will search out the dark places within you in order to bring them into the ‘light’. Some spiritual aspirants can handle the Truth and some can’t. Mental institutions house many of the latter.

Which light bulb are you?
I like to think about Enlightenment this way; pretend for a moment that the real you is represented by a 100 watt light bulb, shining brightly. This is your natural state. You can’t help but shine brightly for all to enjoy and bathe in your light. Then you are born in this world and your light bulb begins to get covered with dirt, dust, and mud (ego, negative thinking, and emotional baggage) until only a trickle of light can be seen. This dirty light bulb represents the common conscious of most people on this planet. You forget who you really are.
Then one day something happens and you begin to realize there’s more to life than trying to satisfy the ego. So you start meditating, reading spiritual books, and going to satsangs. And then some of the grime covering your light starts to fall off and your soul starts to shine again (this is the Awakening). After a while longer and usually a lot of post awakening clearing all the dirt, dust, and mud are gone you shine as brightly as you did before being born here (Enlightenment). This is like realizing your true self while still in the physical body.
The importance of letting go of this past baggage can’t be over stated. If you’re going to walk down the pathless path, you need to know what you’re getting yourself into. Eventually you’re going to have to face all the dark places inside of you. You might as well get started now.
My Personal recommendation is that you make working on ridding yourself of your emotional baggage a priority. The lighter you make your load the better. I believe you definitely need to start doing this before your Awakening. And doing so on any baggage you may still have after Self-realization will help you with the Integration phase as well. This may be the hard work of Enlightenment, but the rewards are worth it.
Many Different Tools

What’s in your toolbox?
There are many ways to do this work. Some are easy and some hard. I’ve tried a lot of them on myself over the years. Below are my suggestions for you. I will go into details on each of these in later installments.
The Sedona Method
Lester Levenson came up with this one after his awakening. Hale Dwoskin packaged the idea and built a business around teaching and selling it. Ask yourself a few questions and then ‘just let it go’. The Sedona Method seems to work very well for some people, but not so much for me.
Time Line Therapy
Created by Tad James and taught in his NLP classes. Time Line Therapy saved my life. I was an insecure mess as a young man. I worried all the time about whither the women in my life were going out on me with other men. I was miserable, and I made their lives miserable too. A few sessions of Time Line Therapy treating a past life issue and I was over it. What a relief! Note: It works on stuff in this life too.
EFT Emotional Freedom Technique
TFT was created by Dr. Roger Callahan. Gary Craig bought the rights to TFT and revised it into EFT and then gave it away for free. EFT is easy to learn and very effective for lots of different types of emotional problems and other issues. Note: EFT may require dedication and patience to be effective, but it is mostly free to learn. Another spin off from TFT is Be Set Free Fast created by Dr. Larry Nimms.
The Kinslow System
The Kinslow System of techniques, created by Dr. Frank Kinslow, aren’t really designed to be emotional healing techniques per say. However, doing these techniques will often help lay a solid spiritual foundation for you and many of your unresolved emotional issues may just disappear from your system all on their own. The more advanced method he calls his Eufeeling techniques are highly recommended for helping release any negative emotion but especially those pesky ones found during the Integration phase of Awakening.
The Script
The Script is my favorite technique. It’s really more like a prayer to yourself, to your higher nature. You ask for help to release/resolve your issue and create a new paradigm. Once you memorize The Script, you can use it anywhere, even driving down the freeway. I let go of A LOT of unresolved stuff using ‘The Script’. This one is one of my personal favorites. All you have to do is read the book; ‘Feelings Buried Alive Never Die’ by Karol K Truman and then apply her method.
Pranic Healing
Pranic Healing was created by Master Choa Kok Sui. Pranic Healing is a very effective energy healing modality that can be learned by anyone. It can be used to heal the physical, emotional, and mental issues as well as to clean and heal your chakras. Pranic Healing is also effective healing modality that can be used to heal others.
These are some of the best techniques I’ve come across that have helped me on my spiritual journey. I’m sure there is something here you can use to start clearing up the negative emotional issues that are stuck in your emotional body and chakras. I will be going deeper into each of these techniques in later posts.
If you feel you are unable to do the work on yourself, by yourself, then here are some dedicated souls that can help guide you. Note: They’re only going to be able to guide you. You’re still going to have to do all the work.
Shellee Rae
Shelle had a rough introduction to enlightenment. Abused as a child, she turned to drugs and alcohol until later in life she spontaneously awakened. Her experience with years of Integration makes her the perfect choice for someone to share your experience with and ask for her advice about your emotional baggage.
Shellee Rae: http://www.shelleerae.com/
Fred Davis
Fred is a spiritual teacher but more importantly he has the ability to talk you through your own awakening. This is the guy who helped me and hundreds of others to awaken. He’s also very good at helping the newly Awakened to integrate their new found awareness into daily life. Fred Davis: http://awakeningclaritynow.com/
If you’re not sure about which one you want to contact, you can listen to Rick Archer’s interviews of all three of these spiritual helpers (and many others) at Buddha at the Gas Pump. https://batgap.com/