Spiritual Guidance
Spiritual Guidance
Where to look?
TheTruthAboutEnlightenment.org is subtly aimed at providing guidance for the ‘spiritual do it yourselfer’. Most seekers intuitively know that no matter whom you follow or what religion you’re in, you’re still going to have to eventuality walk the path to enlightenment alone. The irony of that is that you’re going to need some help and guidance along the way. Now the question is; where are you going to find some quality guidance that is perfect for you?
Many look for help from a realized master or guru who has already seen the light. Up to a point, this is not a bad idea. There is something to be said for hanging around a truly evolved soul. Sometimes the Darshan (higher frequency energy transfer) from them is enough to induce some spiritual seekers to awaken.
But finding a live realized master can be easier said than done in today’s world. Many live in faraway lands that are difficult to get to. Or the local well-known and respected ones have become very popular. They may have lots of other students who are vying for their attention. It may be quite some time before you get to chance to talk to or be near them (if ever).
Probably the biggest difficulties with following a living realized master is that they are still human. And unless their realization is completely integrated to the point where their ego is mostly or completely gone, they can still fall prey to desires of the flesh. This can include desires for inappropriate sex, obedience from their followers, hero worship, etc. Unfortunately this has happened in the past with some of the less evolved gurus.
This is not to say that there aren’t some outstanding enlightened living teachers out there. Adyashanti is one that comes to mind. Mooji is another. Ama is an ‘Avatar’, someone who is as close to God walking on earth as you can get. So she’s above reproach. There may be others but like I mentioned earlier, most are all well know powerful channels for truth. They may have hundreds or thousands of followers. So if you’re looking for personal spiritual guidance, you’re you may have a long wait.
Other Forms of Guidance
Books (and websites like this one) can provide some guidance in understanding what to expect when enlightenment dawns as well as suggestions on how to make your path easier. There are also some very helpful books available to show you how to easily let go of your buried unresolved negative emotions. Applying the teachings can go a long way in helping you be happier and more at peace. Some books, like ‘Awaken Now’ by Fred Davis, can even get you to wake up just by reading them. But you’re still going to need some quality guidance from a reputable source to help you understand your awakening and to know what to do next.
So where are you going to find the best source of guidance for your spiritual quest? The age old wisdom says; “Look within; trust the still small voice, your own intuition”. This inner guidance comes from what I call the ‘Higher Self’ or ‘Over Soul’. It’s that Divine connection that knows us and our path better than anyone.
Inner Guidance
We have a very limited view of the world and our place in it from the perspective of this single life as a 3d player in a 3d game on this planet. Our Higher self sees this life in relation to all our lives from a much broader point of view. It knows the plans, agreements, and promises we made before our birth. It is constantly trying to influence us to make the best decisions in relation to those plans, agreements, and promises. The problem is most of us are too busy listening to the loud ego driven voice in our heads so we can’t begin to hear the still small voice of our inner guidance.
Meditation can help with this as it tends to quiet the mind and still the thoughts. As your mind becomes quiet, you can begin to hear your inner guidance and trust it more. Your intuition can come through as subtle hints and suggestions of what to do. This can happen as either as a voice or as a feeling.
After awakening and during the integration process our intuition begins to take on more and more the roll of everyday guidance. As the ego gradually fades, inner guidance becomes to a greater extent the motivating force for our everyday actions.
When you seek help from your inner guidance it may direct you to a certain teacher or book that is perfect for you right now. Or it may bring up some past event that needs your attention in order to release it. It can even be as simple as which way to turn at the next corner to get to your destination. The hardest part is learning to trust what it tells you. That comes with practice and having faith in in the process.
Spirit Guides
Another untapped source of guidance for many seekers is their spirit guides. Usually by the time a soul has reached the level where they are seeking enlightenment, they have already established a relationship with various higher dimensional guides. These spirit helpers are always with us just waiting to be asked for their assistance. It is their mission while we are in these physical bodies to offer their help. However, we need to ask for their assistance because it is not up to them to decide wither to or not to give it. They require us to make the effort.
We live on a ‘free will’ planet so it’s up to us to use our free will to seek their help. It would be a wise thing for you to start to do this. You can ask them any question and just wait for the answer. The answer will come in many different forms. Just be open to hearing it. If there is no answer then it may be that what is best for your evolution is to figure it out on your own. However most of the time you will get some kind of help or guidance.
It means a lot to these guides for you to show them your gratitude. I would suggest that you thank them after you ask them for help and then thank them again after you have receive it. Also try to remember to thank your guides at least once a day. They love that!
This world is so very dense and at such a low level of vibration compared to the rest of the galaxy. It is nearly impossible for a soul to figure out their own way out of this mess by themselves. However, if we can begin to quiet the mind, ignore the inner critic, and listen to our own higher guidance, then we have a chance of turning this around. Add to that the option of asking and receiving help from our invisible teachers and you may just may make it out of here enlightened.