Repressed Karma (Part Two)
Repressed Karma (Part 2)
Where is Repressed Karma Stored?
Repressed karma is stored in the lower bodies (Mental, Causal, Astral and Physical). It is also stored in the meridians, chakras, in our DNA and even in the spine (called ‘karma knots’). We are lucky because Karma is also systematically organized in our timelines. There are two timelines where karma is stored. These are the Genetic and Soul timelines. The genetic timeline refers to the inherited karma for the physical body we inhabit during this lifetime. Our soul timeline refers to the karma that is stored in the part of us that moves from lifetime to lifetime inhabiting different bodies.
Genetic Karma
An example of genetic timeline karma could be a tendency for you or your family members to easily get angry. Or there may be a tendency for you or your ancestors to fall into drug or alcohol abuse. You may have heard it said the ‘depression runs in our family’. It can take many other forms as well such as chronic illnesses, phobias, criminal activity, etc.
Soul Karma
Soul timeline karma is the common way that most people think of karma. You do something ‘bad’ or ‘good’ in a past lifetime and now you are receiving the results. Or you do something in this lifetime and you’ll have to pay for it later. Soul timeline karma can also refer to lessons that we have decided to learn in this life before we were born.
How does Repressed Karma Operate?
Our bodies are designed to allow spiritual energy in all of its forms to flow through us. This energy gives us life and allows us to serve the Divine as its creations in the lower worlds. Unresolved negative emotions stored in our meridians, chakras, physical and subtle bodies, etc. can block this energy. These blockages will eventually create mental, emotional, and physical disease. And they may, if left alone, cause the soul to create even more Genetic timeline karma.
Our system is designed to purge itself of these negative blocks and it occasionally tries to do just that. It will throw a negative memory up out of the blue and hope we are willing to release it. However, many times the person looks at that memory and either consciously or unconsciously says ‘I don’t want to remember that’! Then they go off to do something to dull the pain like drinking, drugs, or some other distraction.
Repressed Karma acts as a filter that prevents us from seeing the truth of our being. Because the life energy flowing through us gets filtered by these repressed events, it tends to attract similar events and situations into our lives so that we can see our original mistake and release the stored negative emotions. Unfortunately there is usually such a long delay between the original event and the current one it makes it very hard to see the connection between the two.
So How Do We Get Rid of Our Repressed Karma?
Repressed karma is a past event that has to be seen for what it really is, accepted and released. Your karma is helping to keep you focused on the 3d game and distracted from Divinity. It (along with the ego) is blocking you from knowing who you really are (Self-Realization). These are the dark places within us that block our Divine light. So it is very important that we address all these karmic blockages and release them as soon as we can. This is not an easy task and requires a brave heart and a dedicated soul. But it must be done.
It is very important to get to the root of the karmic issue and release it there. If you can do that, and release the rest of the emotions connected to the subsequent events on that timeline, then that karmic issue will no longer be a problem for you. You will probably feel a sense of relief and also an increase in overall energy. Unresolved negative emotions require a lot of our energy to hold them in place. Once the issue is resolved, you undoubtedly will feel more life force flowing through you.
The Techniques
I have already gone over many different techniques for releasing unresolved negative emotions in my other posts. I would suggest you find one that resonates with you and begin to use it as soon as you can. This task of ridding our systems of these blockages is one of the most important things we can do. The more you let go of this emotional baggage before your initial awakening, the easier your path will be. Putting it off until after the Awakening only slows the Integration process. Releasing these blockages not only helps us with our spiritual growth, but also with our general health and wellbeing.
Some of my favorite techniques are: The Sedona Method, Time Line Therapy, EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) BSFF (Be Set Free Fast), and ‘The Script’ found in the book Feelings Buried Alive, Never Die’ by Karol Kay Truman.
The Last Word on Karma.
Now for one last look at karma from a different angle. Do you believe (or do you know) that God is ‘Everything’? Some say that God is the space between the particles that make up every atom (and the particles themselves). Others say that God is what makes up the physical and non-physical worlds including you and me. Let’s just pretend for a moment that we agree with them. Now the question is if you do something unloving to another person, doesn’t that mean you’re also doing something unloving to God? Gives you a whole new perspective on being nice to people doesn’t it?
The truth is God is watching everything you do. It is watching through your own eyes. It is the ever present watcher of all things. God or ‘All That Is’ can also be called Love. Love does not judge but it is always accepting of everything that it ‘sees’. So karma has its place in the Game but not when it comes to Love. Love trumps Karma.